Essential Tips For World Mental Health Day


Every year, October 10th (World Mental Health Day) acts as a reminder to take a step back and reflect on our mental well-being.

So often, we focus on our physical well-being and appearance. World Mental Health Day is one day in our calendar where we can take a moment to reflect on our mental wellness.

How we, as a society, view mental health issues has changed in recent years, yet stigma continues to hinder us. This can leave people feeling alone or afraid, preventing them from reaching out or seeking help.

Mental well-being includes our emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. Knowledge is power, and researching ways to improve the mind, body and soul is important both for you, and for the people you love.

Here's what leading research suggests we do, to improve how we care for ourselves and our loved ones.


5 ways to nurture your mind, body and soul in 2024.

1. Talk to someone:

If you’re feeling low, try to confide in someone you trust. Whether that be a friend, a family member or a counsellor. You will feel better knowing you've shared some of your thoughts with others, and you may even find that they share your experiences.

Studies by Lieberman et. al. have found that labelling our emotions can aid the brain's alarm system that controls our fight-or-flight reaction. (1)

In other words, speaking about your feelings makes it easier to process them. Even writing them down on a piece of paper, or speaking out loud to yourself can prove useful.

When we give words to our emotions, we become less reactive and more mindfully aware. Sharing your feelings is a great way to learn how to understand them, while managing stress and promoting positive mental well-being.


2. Exercise:

Being physically active is one of the most important things we can do. If you’re trying to shake off any negative thoughts, exercise is a great way to take your mind off the present.

Research shows that exercise can make life better. It can also help us deal with mental and physical issues. (2)

For those not feeling up to an intense workout session, an instant and easy form of exercise is a walk around your neighbourhood. You can also try stretching from the comfort of your own home.

If you prefer gym workouts but feel sore or tired afterwards, try these recovery tools to help you return to the gym faster.



3. Eat well:

Eating nutrient-rich foods and regularly will likely boost your mood and naturally make you feel more energized throughout the day. You'll find that completing your daily tasks becomes easier, leaving you with more time for hobbies or spending time with loved ones. Suddenly, your usual challenges won't have the same negative effect on your physical and mental wellness.

Studies show that eating well can improve a wide range of health problems, and will likely solve it at the source. (3)

Cooking is a fun activity to take your mind off things, it can also act as a new way to spend time with your loved ones.


4. Take a time-out:

Taking one hour each day to just relax can do tremendous things for our wellbeing and general life quality. Watch a movie or spend time with your loved ones.

When you’re constantly working or studying – you wear yourself down and your ability to handle stress wears thin. Social media is a huge player in this constant need of always 'doing more'. Consider not just having a time-out from your everyday tasks, but from social media as well.

If you struggle to relax, consider practicing breath work or meditating on a PEMF Mat. A walk around the block taking in the morning sunlight can do wonders for your circadian rhythm, too.



5. Improve Your Sleep:

A small bedtime routine change can greatly impact how you feel and act in your daily life.

How well we sleep can determine how we handle minor every-day stresses, right up to difficult situations.

The blue light from screens or traditional lightbulbs can suppress your body's melatonin production and disrupt your sleep patterns. Reducing blue light exposure after sunset is an easy way to improve your sleep.

One easy way to reduce blue light is using blue light blocking lightbulbs in your home, especially in areas where you unwind before bed. These bulbs filter out disruptive blue light, helping your body naturally prepare for sleep, and aiding your mental wellness in turn.


Make a habit to check in with yourself

If you need help, make sure to seek out your local mental health services. Make a habit out of asking those close to you about their mental wellbeing. Your peers may live with a mental well-being problem without anyone being aware.

Join the World Federation for Mental Health to help raise awareness about mental well-being and support those in need.


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(1) Research Today
(2) Frontiers research
(3) NIH research

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